Welcome. I was age 2 when my Grandfather, "Lud" Givens, passed away. I have no memories and little information on his life. To compensate, I am collecting information on him and his family, using mostly documents from the past.
Finally, we come to the relative/descendent who, in the 1970's, sent my father so much Kolmetz information and some of the pictures previously posted. This is Hans-Werner Kollmetz, born 19 of September, 1925. Thank you, Hans!
The parents of Friedrich Kollmetz are standing in the foreground of this photo. Don't know who the other fellow is. ON the left is Heinrich Andreas Kollmetz and on the right is Dothea Margaretha Marie (nee Moller). Now, we know where I got my name! [Margaret Marie].
Friedrick (Frederick) Nicholas Kolmetz stands in the center with the tall fellow on his right being Mr. Sellers. I am related to "Fritz" Kolmetz through the Givens line. Alice Malissa Kolmetz was my great grandmother. She married William Sherman Givens. Their son, Richard Lud Givens was my grandfather (maternal).
The ancestral home of Friedrich Nicholas Kolmetz, who emigrated to America (Vernon, Washington, Florida) is to be found in Burg Auf Fehmarn. On this street is the house of Hinrich Kolmetz. No Kollmetz family members are living on the island anymore, though.