Summary of Pertinent Data in Pension Records in the National Archives.
Veteran's Name: Givens, John W.
Case No.: C2563232
Parents: Not mentioned
Births: On February 17, 1836, in "Mackalburg" (Also given as Mecklenburg) County, North Carolina.
Marriage: The Veteran married Nancy Ann Amanda McGill on January 13, 1859 in Escambia County, Florida. In 1903, she was 64 years of age and died shortly thereafter, but the date of her death is not given. On December 24, 1907, the verteran married Alice Fralish in Blue Springs, Alabama. In 1908, she was 35 years of age. (From Bible, Amanda died Aug. 22, 1907).
Children: Laura Ann, born Oct. 26, 1859 (Deaths from Bible), Nov. 23, 1910;
John H. born March 17, 1862; James A. born January 19, 1867, died June 30, 1922; William S. born August 25, 1869, died Sept 19, 1907; Joseph H. born February 28, 1872, died July 26, 1907; Henry T. born September 29, 1874; Green B. born May 18, 1879, died Nov 19, 1904; Gerald Elisha, born April 20, 1862, died April 9, 1907.
In 1898, Henry T. Givens was living in Laurel Hill, (in Walton County at that time), and in 1902, Joseph H. Givens was living in that place.
Other Family: Amanda M. Givens, 13 years of age in 1903 and residing in Laurel Hill, Florida at that date. Relationship to veteran not given. (This was his granddaughter).
Residence: In 1907 the veteran stated that since leaving the service in 1864, he has resided in Baldwin County, Alabama, Escambia County, Florida, Covington County, Alabama, and Walton County, Florida, (now Okaloosa County). The Pension File indicates that he [John W. Givens, the veteran], was residing in Muscogee, Escambia County, Florida in 1893, in Baldwin County, Alabama in 1895, and in Laurel Hill, Walton County, Florida from 1896 until his death. In 1908 his widow was living in Laurel Hill.
Death: The veteran died on August 4, (Also given ?) 1903.
Service: Private, Company B, 1st Regiment, Florida Volunteer Cavalry, Civil War. In an affidavit executed by the veteran on July 2, 1896, he stated that "he has never served in the Confederate States Army."
Pension: The veterans claim for pension was allowed.
Note: Dates of death of dependants was taken from Bible records. This further information also came from Bible:
Laura Givens married H.N. Sowell March 19, 1874 and their children are Gerald Edward Sowell, born July 31, 1877 (never married) and John Hezekiah Sowell, born Aug 22, 1879.
[This may be incomplete as photocopy looked as if content was continued on another page, which I haven't located at this date].